Contrary to common misconceptions, modern advancements in dentistry have transformed root canals into a relatively comfortable and effective solution. They become necessary when the pulp, the innermost part of a tooth containing nerves and blood vessels, becomes infected or damaged. Persistent toothache, sensitivity to hot or cold and swelling are indicators that a root canal may be required.

If you have any questions, we invite you to ask them during a consultation with us, so you know what to expect from this treatment.

Before the procedure, our dentist will thoroughly numb the area to ensure a painless experience. Once numb, they will remove the infected pulp, clean the inside of the tooth and seal it with a composite material. Contrary to popular belief, root canals are not discomforting; patients typically experience relief from pain after the procedure.

The primary benefit of a root canal is preserving your natural tooth. This prevents the need for extractions and maintains proper oral function. Additionally, a successful root canal alleviates pain, improves overall oral health and contributes to a confident smile. Call A’s Family Dentistry at 772-408-4298 if you are experiencing discomfort, to see if you may need root canal therapy in Port St. Lucie, Florida, from Dr. Nerissa Aquino.