Night guards contribute to safeguarding your oral health during sleep for those who subconsciously grind their teeth, a condition also known as bruxism. If you wake up with jaw pain, headaches or notice excessive wear on your teeth, a night guard may be the solution to protect your teeth from further damage.

Getting a night guard involves a simple and painless process. Dr. Nerissa Aquino will take impressions of your teeth to make sure the guard fits comfortably. The fitting ensures comfort and optimal protection. Once you receive your night guard, you will find that wearing it during sleep does not disrupt your rest, offering a seamless solution to combat bruxism.

Night guards provide a shield against the harmful effects of teeth grinding, preventing wear and tear on your enamel. Beyond protecting your teeth, these guards alleviate jaw pain and reduce headaches associated with bruxism. Investing in a night guard in Port St. Lucie, Florida, not only preserves your dental health but also enhances the quality of your sleep, promoting overall well-being. Call A’s Family Dentistry at 772-408-4298 to schedule your visit with our dentist to learn more. We look forward to meeting with you and helping you and your smile through our custom night guards.