In the dynamic landscape of modern dentistry, the iTero® digital scanner stands out as a cutting-edge technology that has transformed A’s Family Dentistry. With its precision and efficiency, this digital scanner offers a seamless experience for both our dentist and patients.

Whether you are undergoing orthodontic treatment, restorative procedures or simply seeking comprehensive dental care, the iTero digital scanner eliminates discomfort associated with traditional molds. The technology is particularly beneficial for those requiring accurate impressions for aligners, crowns, bridges and implants.

iTero digital scanners work by capturing precise 3D images of your teeth in minutes. Patients can expect a comfortable and swift scanning process, allowing Dr. Nerissa Aquino to create detailed treatment plans with ease. The high-tech scanner ensures a hassle-free experience, fostering a positive and efficient dental visit.

The advantages of iTero digital scanning extend beyond convenience. The digital precision of these scanners enhances the accuracy of treatment planning, leading to superior outcomes. Patients appreciate the reduction in chair time, while we benefit from improved case acceptance and streamlined workflows. iTero digital scanners in Port St. Lucie, Florida, mark a leap forward in dental technology, setting new standards for patient care and treatment precision. Call 772-408-4298 to schedule your appointment where you can learn more.